Winchester Ammo 9mm Luger 115 Grain FMJ Centerfire

Box of Winchester 9mm ammo for target and practice, 115 GR FMJ, 200 round range pack, Made in USA.

Our experienced team in Tampa, Orlando and Villages are ready to assist you with purchasing this ammo and answer your firearm questions. Experience our state-of-the-art, air-conditioned, indoor shooting ranges, firearms training facilities, and retail showrooms.

Winchester® 9mm Luger 115 Grain FMJ Centerfire Handgun Ammo is the perfect selection for dedicated centerfire handgun enthusiasts who prioritize reliable performance and consistent accuracy while managing recoil effectively. This ammunition is an excellent option for extended practice or training sessions at the shooting range. Winchester USA Handgun Ammunition offers a range of options, including full metal jacket and jacketed hollow point rounds.

Grain: 115
Velocity (fps): 1190
Bullet Type: FMJ

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