NORMA Ammo TAC 308 Winchester 150 Gr FMJ

Norma TAC 308 Winchester 150 Gr FMJ Ammo

Our experienced team in Tampa, Orlando and Villages are ready to assist you with purchasing this ammo and answer your firearm questions. Experience our state-of-the-art, air-conditioned, indoor shooting ranges, firearms training facilities, and retail showrooms.

Bullet Type: Full Metal Jacket
Bullet Weight: 150 GR
Casing Material: Brass
Muzzle Energy: 2289 ft lbs
Muzzle Velocity: 2625 fps

The 308 Winchester Norma TAC Ammo offers 20 rounds of FMJ cartridges, each weighing 115 grains and boasting a muzzle velocity of 2625 feet per second. With a muzzle energy of 2289 foot-pounds and reloadable brass casings, these cartridges are perfect for honing your target practice skills.

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